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Thursday, April 12, 2012

Ultimate Reset Video Description

While the claims in the video seem a little over the top, losing 30 lbs in 21 days is very possible if you get the toxins out of your system. I did a cleanse and permanently lost 12 lbs in 5 days. The Ultimate Reset has you eating 1500 calories a day, so it is more sustainable, and $1000s less.

Not only did my weight go down, my health exploded. My pull up count went from 8 to 20, and I did no exercise during the cleanse. This is why I am a huge fan of a scientifically designed cleanse. Information on the Ultimate Reset can be found by clicking this sentence.
However, if you are interested, please contact me so I can talk to you about the expectations of the program in detail. E-mail me at ira@irawinkler.com.


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